Friday, March 18, 2016

Urgently needs a family: Abram

Anyone who has followed or read my blog lately knows that i have a heart for crib babies. Lately there has been one crib baby I've been keeping my eye on and that  is Abram.

From Abram's Reece's Rainbow Page;

"Boy, born 2012
Hydrocephalus posthemorrhagic
Oh sweet love needs a family and medical care."

There isn't much known about Abram from his Reece's rainbow page but that doesn't change his need for a family. Abram desperately needs a family to see him soon so he can get the love and medical treatment he needs. Without a family Abram will likely not get any medical treatment and will spend the rest of his life bedridden in a orphanage or mental institution.

In this picture you can see just how tiny Abram is and how he spends his days in his crib.

Abram is screaming for a family to see him. Are you Abram's family?


SHARING- by sharing either Abram's Reece's Rainbow page or this blog you can tell others about his need for a family.

PRAYING- you can also help by praying for Abram's health, for the nannies to come to know Jesus and show his love to the kids, for his family to find him in his perfect time, for his orphanage, etc..

GIVING- giving through Reece's rainbow is tax deductible and is very simple. giving to his adoption grant encourages families to commit to him and helps the family cover the high cost of their redemption