Once special needs orphans turn 5 they are transferred to a adult mental Constitution 90-98% of the children don't survive the transfer so the urgency to get these kids adopted is needed. the videos below are similar or the same as the places the children have been transferred to.
Madison- age 12 Madison may be transferred to mental institution SOON
Miranda- age 12 Miranda is healthy and developing well out side of her Cerebral palsy she was an orphange favorite.
** $1,202+ adoption grant**Sealey- age 12 crib baby he has severe CP, and is diagnosed with congenital brain malformation; anencephalea (no cerebral cortex). He is not able to walk and needs full care.
Jason- age 13 Jason spends his time either in a crib or in a stroller, sitting outside.
He needs a lot of love and attention … He is a good, sweet child, but he has a lot of self-injuring behaviors. Unfortunately, he is often restrained because he hits himself really hard.He is about the size of a four year old and is in a 4/5 shirt