Friday, March 27, 2015

The Wierenga family

Meet Elijah and the Wierenga family,

From Their Reece's Rainbow family sponsorship page:
     "Colleen and James first met in college.  Colleen was a freshman and James was a junior.  After James graduated, they parted ways, then five years later they started dating.  Two years after that, they got married, and they have been married for two years.  After exploring state adoption and not really agreeing with their system, Elijah’s file basically fell in their lap, and James and Colleen knew he was theirs.  Colleen and James have always wanted a big family, through adoption and biological children.  Elijah will be their first child and they couldn't be any happier.  They cannot wait to show him the world."

Elijah is a chubby cheeked sweet brown eyed boy who is one year old  is in a bad orphanage at the moment so the Wierenga family could use all your help in breaking their little one out. If you are interested in helping the Wierenga family break there little one free you can make a tax deductible donation here


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