Saturday, December 13, 2014


Today as i was looking at the Reece's rainbow site looking at the list of newly listed children i noticed a new little boy waiting named Lennie. At first i thought he was a she due to his big eyes, which got my attention right away. Soon after reading his info i realized she was a he indeed and i felt silly for not realizing that he was in a one piece with cars on it.
                            41211154054 Lennie
 he is a cutie right? I have a sweet spot for little boys with special needs because they wait longer than girls with special needs. Sadly this boys file says nothing about him besides his gender, year he was born and his special need. I don't like when they list kids with no info on them because a child is more than this they have a personality and its always great to hear how the child is doing or not doing. Though they say a photo is worth a thousand words and i know that when his lucky parents see him they will know he was meant to be in their family, i hope they asked for more information on the children so the potential parents know more on his background and the current medical care he has had.

Lennie has a called Hypoplastic right heart syndrome which is a heart condition this is the only know special need he has right now but he might have more i don't know if he has ever had surgery for this condition or if he has delays due to this special need.  I'm not sure what agency has his file right now but I'm sure Reece's rainbow knows and would be happy to point you in the right direct if you were interested in adopting him. If you would like to learn more about adopting international or are interested in Lennie please follow this link there.

 Not able to adopt right now that's okay there's is allot of other things you can do to help.

1. blogging- great way to raise awareness about the orphan crisis ,advocate for a waiting child to find a family, or help an adopting family cover the cost of adopting their child.

2. praying- taking a couple minutes to pray for a child a day is very powerful.

3. donating-each child and adopting family on Reece's rainbow has a tax deductible adoption grant you can donate to that will help the adopting family or future adoptive family adopt them.

thanks for reading please share!!!

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