Sunday, January 13, 2013


Each day hundreds to thousands of children are ripped or sucked out of the safest place on Earth. Simply because they are " unwanted" or " expensive". But the saddest part is as christians we are COMMANDED to be different than the world. We are COMMANDED to love those others over look and treat them as God has treat us, with unconditional love. Some beleive this is true and think this is to big of a problem for them to think about, even pray about, or worst act against. How about we start with those who have been born and live in foster care, mental insitutions ,and ,orphanages. lets come together and pray for them. Lets start with just take this little girl, Marla together we can find her a family and list her up in prayer.Yes she has special needs, she is at urgent rick of being transfered to an ADULT mental insitution. Yes you read that right a five year old girl will be sent to live with mentally disabled adults. She will be abuse so bad she will likely not live to see another birthday. If God is calling you to be her parent don't ignore it her life depends on you. If you are not in possition to adopt follow this link to this site that is advocating for her you can donate money to her adoption grant to lift her parents burden of the cost of adoption. These donations are tax deductable.Or please pray for this beautiful little girl, who went from this to this in a month due to starvation so she would die quickley. Thank you everyone reading this i hope to honour God in every way with this blog.- Sara

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