Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Let's get Cristoff a family

Cristoff ,who was born in 2011, has been listed for adoption on Reece's Rainbow since December 16, 2014. Cristoff has a $4,190 adoption grant.  We just got a new update and it doesn't look good, please read his description and look a at the pictures for yourself.

Do these pictures look like pictures of a 5 year old to you!?!?!

"updated pictures/info 5/16:
This poor guy is waiting for his family for over 2 years!
He will be transferred to a different orphanage very soon, which is really bad for him! He will not survive it because that orphanage is known as "not good". We will be unable to get update on him once he is transferred. 
He needs a family ASAP!
He has DS, severe mental retardation and psychogenic vomiting & umbilical hernia. He is bedridden major of time, cries a lot and needs mother care! He will NOT survive long once transferred!
Please, find a family for him ASAP!!!"


SHARING- by sharing either Cristoff's Reece's Rainbow page or this blog you can tell others about his need for a family.

PRAYING- you can also help by praying for Cristoff's health, for the nannies to come to know Jesus and show his love to the kids, for his family to find him in his perfect time, for his orphanage, etc..

GIVING- giving through Reece's rainbow is tax deductible and is very simple. giving to his adoption grant encourages families to commit to him and helps the family cover the high cost of their redemption

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