Monday, December 22, 2014


each of the kids pictured bellow want to the same thing for Christmas, maybe you can help them out?

                                                             Luken (1)
                                                            someone to tuck them in 
                                                           to tell them they are loved,
                                                               to know they are safe,
                                                               Nina -new2
                                                    someone to love them unconditionally,
                                                              never to give up on them,
                                                              love them beyond their struggles

       someone to kiss them goodnight
       to read them bed time stories
      and hold their hand 
someone to cheer them on,
 to be proud of them,
to tell them they belong
someone to take them our of their cribs,
to open a new world for them,
 to give them hope
Lianna update
they each want a family
each one has waited their share of time

Friday, December 19, 2014

a person's a person

last evening while babysitting my younger brothers I put in the movie "Horton Hears a Who". There was a line that i loved and it hasn't left my head, "A person's a person no matter how small".
There is so much truth in this one little quote.I think it says that everyone is important and has value even if they have special needs. I'm sick of seeing kids being abandoned just because they have special needs and  its not just other countries, its in the United states too. We have thousands of kids in foster care right now its ridiculous we are so focused on our self and getting what we want right now we forget about others.
                                                      Liliana - Female, age 5

Children are blessing there's no way to hide that fact. they bring joy and love . So why should special needs kids be looked at any different?  One reason people give up there special needs because they think they are inconvenient, who would want to go to appointments, therapies, counseling, training. and even have to care for their child their whole lives:? why not? A child is a child they are not disposable they have feelings, hopes, fears, and dreams just like any other child. who cares if you care for them the rest of their lives your child is your child. what do you think will happen when your children grow old? you will skip into the sunshine and forever be happy? fat chances sorry to ruin your dreams but a child is a child and just cause they have gotten older doesn't mean you're going to love them any less.

                                                    Dave - Male, age 4
                                                                    Dave ADOPTED:)
In the United states we are raised to strive after the american dream.We are so obsessed with it we put blinders on to the suffering in the world around us.We choose to spend money on earthy possessions rather than heavenly things. we would rather right a check than get our hands dirty doing God's work. we would rather ignore and keep on scrolling cause its incontinent to our lives. In the U.S. children age out at the age of 18 with no where to go due to the foster family's not wanting to keep them any longer because their not receiving money for them, leaving them homeless and alone. Though these kids do receive college funds and money most of them are not able to handle college due to the abuse they received. the money they start receiving from the government at age 18  they soon lose because have no money handling skills. It's even worse for special needs kids thrown into over crowed group homes, nursing homes, or just plain homeless.
                                               Michael - Male, age 3
Everyone can do something not everyone has to adopt.You are the change our world desperately needs. Every child's picture above is an orphan in the US please click on their link to learn more.

Saturday, December 13, 2014


Today as i was looking at the Reece's rainbow site looking at the list of newly listed children i noticed a new little boy waiting named Lennie. At first i thought he was a she due to his big eyes, which got my attention right away. Soon after reading his info i realized she was a he indeed and i felt silly for not realizing that he was in a one piece with cars on it.
                            41211154054 Lennie
 he is a cutie right? I have a sweet spot for little boys with special needs because they wait longer than girls with special needs. Sadly this boys file says nothing about him besides his gender, year he was born and his special need. I don't like when they list kids with no info on them because a child is more than this they have a personality and its always great to hear how the child is doing or not doing. Though they say a photo is worth a thousand words and i know that when his lucky parents see him they will know he was meant to be in their family, i hope they asked for more information on the children so the potential parents know more on his background and the current medical care he has had.

Lennie has a called Hypoplastic right heart syndrome which is a heart condition this is the only know special need he has right now but he might have more i don't know if he has ever had surgery for this condition or if he has delays due to this special need.  I'm not sure what agency has his file right now but I'm sure Reece's rainbow knows and would be happy to point you in the right direct if you were interested in adopting him. If you would like to learn more about adopting international or are interested in Lennie please follow this link there.

 Not able to adopt right now that's okay there's is allot of other things you can do to help.

1. blogging- great way to raise awareness about the orphan crisis ,advocate for a waiting child to find a family, or help an adopting family cover the cost of adopting their child.

2. praying- taking a couple minutes to pray for a child a day is very powerful.

3. donating-each child and adopting family on Reece's rainbow has a tax deductible adoption grant you can donate to that will help the adopting family or future adoptive family adopt them.

thanks for reading please share!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2014


meet the beautiful abigail MY FAMILY FOUND ME :)
Abigail Photo 16 Nov-2014 - Nov 2014 - A

Abigail was born in January 2011 and has been diagnosed with spina bifida and hydrocephalus for which she has received a shunt. Abigail also takes medication for epilepsy, but has not had any seizures since beginning treatment. She may need a surgery to correct her strabismus.
Abigail was recently seen by an orthopedic surgeon who noted that her spinal deformity and spina bifida are severe. He believes that Abigail is paraplegic and will not be able to walk in the future. Her spine will need treatment to correct its position and improve her sitting posture as well as upper body skills. Abigail is able to use her hands very well, moves around freely on the floor and sits unassisted. She struggles with solid food because she does not chew very well, but reportedly has no trouble eating cookies and candy. While Abigail is very vocal, only about 50 words in her vocabulary are completely clear to understand.
Abigail is a bright and engaging child. She speaks in complete sentences, explores, and knows exactly what is asked of her. Abigail is interested in everything, likes to talk on the phone, plays with toys, and sings. She is known as the social butterfly of her orphanage, always smiling and joyful.
From a family who met Abigail in May 2014: Abigail is a little diva! She is so tiny for her age, but her personality is explosive. She is very smart. She told me all the names of the caregivers and children. When she sees someone she shouts, “Come” and taps on the ground next to her. She is so loving, compassionate, and so kind. She frequently hugs the other children on her own doing. She doesn’t have too much use of her legs at this time, but can scoot on her bottom. She has noticeable curvature of her spine. She needs that corrected. It could improve her physical abilities a lot. We put her in a walking position and she could put some weight onto her legs. She laughed so hard at herself when she was “walking.” She uses a little wooden toy with wheels like a wheelchair. She rolls around everywhere, even getting into the shoes as most young girls would. She had a nasogastric tube in her nose while we were there. A virus was going around and she wasn’t drinking enough so they put it in the children to make sure they were getting enough liquids. They said it was temporary and she normally eats and drinks fine. She also can feed herself and loves chocolate. Whoever adopts Abigail will be so blessed. I think she will excel in a family, and the reward for being her mom would be the biggest blessing to anyone.
From a family who met Abigail in October 2014: Abigail is the size of an infant in both height and weight. She’s a social child, engaged and engaging. She communicates constantly and purposefully, but her speech is very hard to understand. She has a lovely smile. Abigail gets around quite well by scooting on her bottom. When she saw another child upset and crying, she moved over to her and gave her friend a long hug.