I don't know if you will read this, I hope you do. I don't expect you do any of the things I suggest. I just want to put my heart out there so I can say I've done all I could. This is my passion I love advocating for these kids but its also a command for the church in the Bible.Thanks for listening...
I didn't know about orphans at a young age it was something I thought you only read about in books or happened in other countries.I mean in a country with no shortage of food, water, health care or christian churches why would our country and others be filled with orphans? So it shocked me when I heard at the a church event of Holt international a christian agency through them we sponsored a healthy little girl .I remember the next day looking up Holt international and scanning through the lists and lists of pictures of kids in orphanages across the ocean most of which have special needs. It broke my heart and it still does. I've been told that if I want to do something about all these orphans I should just wait till I'm old enough to adopt, but that's 10+ years away! These kids need families now! I prayed and shared my heart with my friends at Deford christian academy and we started a prayer group to pray for the kids. We watched God work as we saw some of the kids getting placed with families ,lost some of the kids , and even were able to do a fundraiser . Since then I've changed schools but my passion hasn't died I still pray for them and I still want to do more that's why I've come to you.
In china it was once healthy girls being abandoned due to families only being allowed to have one child and the cultural perseverance for a boy. That was a decade ago now most of the adoptions from china are special needs children due to 90%-98% of children being abandoned having special needs. The gender of children being abandoned is equal for girls and boys.(http://www.lwbcommunity.org/the-changing-face-of-chinas-orphans)
There is estimated 60 million orphans. Even though china does have foster care some orphanages don't have the necessary resources to properly care for these kids.
"1) Many people do not realize the deep and ingrained stigma that an orphaned child often faces in Chinese society. Orphans are often felt to be unlucky or even “cursed,” and so they often have many strikes against them when it comes time to go to school or find a job. There are many different levels of schools in China; many orphaned children are only able to attend the lowest level schools, as parents who are paying higher fees for the better schools don’t want their children to have to attend with “unlucky” orphans. Education is so important in Chinese society, and parents often push their children to try harder and work longer on their homework. Orphaned children rarely have anyone pushing them or encouraging them, and so we frequently work with young teens who only have rudimentary educations and who have trouble believing their lives will ever be better. The few dozen children in orphanages whom we have been honored to sponsor for college are the exception. To actually make it to university as an orphaned child is a true achievement. And even after graduating, jobs are often very difficult to come by due to businesses again not wanting to employ people who might bring bad luck to the company. Many of you might remember the young lady we helped earn an accounting degree in college a few years ago. She was unable to find a job in her hometown because of her orphan status. She was finally hired by the local government when no private company would agree to hire her." (http://www.lwbcommunity.org/adoption-of-older-children)
"Today over 160 000 000 orphans lived in appalling, filthy conditions and went to bed hungry [again]. And we never heard a single word about that either.
Today children were confined to cribs like caged animals—left to lie in their own waste for hours and hours, banged their heads on the bars of the crib to self-soothe, bit their fingers until they bled, rocked endlessly just for something to do, and consumed a diet of not much more than cabbage broth. But it’s too hard to speak about this reality—so we don’t.
Today children who turn five throughout Eastern Europe will be given a death sentence—also known as a transfer to a mental asylum for children and adults. There they will spend the rest of their [numbered] days confined to beds or cribs and will never feel the warmth of the sun on their faces or the cool breeze blowing. Shhhhh….we don’t want to talk about that either.
here are 2 videos of people visiting these mental institutions:
Sadly, even those of us who do know about the atrocities that happen to orphans in faraway lands, we too don’t want to talk about it. We’re afraid of what people will think if we share too much. We shy away from posting graphic and tough images and stories on our social networks just in case it offends a friend–can’t be ruffling any feathers, now can we?Sometimes it’s just so much easier to get on with our lives and pretend that this stuff doesn't really exist.
I guess it’s easier to talk about the things that don’t hold us accountable to actually DO something. It’s easier to talk about other people’s “issues” when there is not a single thing that we can do to make a difference. That gets us off the hook.
But how vastly different it is when we come face to face with calamity that we CAN do something about. That, my friends, is a whole different story. Why? Because the Scripture is as clear as daylight.
Proverbs 24:12 tells us, “Once our eyes are opened we cannot pretend we do not know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls knows we know and holds us responsible to act.”
God holds us responsible to ACT!
We have work to do! The Body of Christ NEEDS to know. The world is not called to care for the fatherless. We are! It’s as simple as that. We’re the ones who are meant to be going, giving, supporting, bringing them home, advocating, praying, and doing everything we possibly can to make a difference. We’re the ones who are meant to be getting our hands dirty and getting uncomfortable (Lord forbid!) for the sake of the Gospel.
You know what I think? I think we need a massive awakening! I think the sleeping church needs to wake up and start talking about the hard things. We need to be talking about the catastrophes which happen not very far from where we live. This is reality, friends. It is not some made-up, Photo shopped picture someone did as a sick joke! This is real life.
This is the face of desperation–of abandonment, neglect and poverty!
These are HUMAN BEINGS we’re talking about—with feelings, hurts, pains, needs, emotions, and desires.
But isn’t an institution in a child’s home country better than bringing a foreign child to this country?” You have GOT to be kidding me!
These are the Father’s beloved chosen people! Created in His image with a purpose and a destiny—each one of them with the potential to become so much more than what they currently are. Every precious child is a gift from His hand. Why can we not see that? Why do we turn away and refuse to get involved? Why is getting the next best gadget on the market so much more important than the life of a child who will certainly perish if he remains where he is?
We need an awakening, friends! A movement which ignites a fire and a passion in each one of us that makes us want to jump in and do anything we possibly can to help.
Some will read this and say, “Not my calling! Not my problem!” I have news for you today…IT IS! James 1:27, Psalm 83:3, and many, many other Scriptures tell us in no uncertain words that it IS our problem. It’s non-negotiable—it’s not a calling, it’s a COMMAND. Big difference.
I don’t know about you guys, but I am so out of excuses. I am completely over myself! As I sit writing this I cannot think of one good enough reason as to why I should NOT do everythingI humanly can to try and help. Those 119 children with the word “transferred” next to their name? They are living on borrowed time. I was once told that 95% of them will die once they are transferred to a mental asylum. For some of them, when that day of transfer comes, so does the word “unadoptable.” Their time to find a family has run out. They will literally spend the rest of their days confined to a crib, bedridden!
It IS our problem!
AWAKEN US, Lord! Stir our hearts, ignite passion in us, show us where we can get involved, shift our priorities. Challenge us, show us what truly matters in this life, make us uncomfortable so that the only place we find true contentment is not in the things of the world, but in relationship with You…doing Your will, obeying your commands! Convict our hearts, Lord Jesus!
Wake us up for the sake of the millions who wait…and wait…and wait!
IF NOT US…THEN WHO?" (http://www.nogreaterjoymom.com/2012/02/if-not-usthen-who/)
In places like Ukraine and other Eastern European countries overcrowded orphanages are prime locations for traffickers to pick up victims. often aged out orphans are sent of their way with a bus ticket in hand to make room for younger children. to the homeless teenager who has no family this phony job offer sounds like a dream come true. Special needs orphans will most likely spend their life in a state run mental institution.(orphan justice by Johnny Carr)
Foster care
400,000 children in foster care 100.000 of which waiting to be adopted.2,000 children age out of foster care each year when they turn 18 with no place to call home. of the children who exit foster care 46% were in foster for less than a year, 36% were in foster care for 1 to 3 years and 17% were in foster care for more than 3 years. The life of a foster kid is tough. being removed from home and sent to live with stranger, often with very little notice, can be quite traumatic. like no other time in their lives, these kids need Christ followers to be there for them.Being a foster parent isn't for everyone but we should consider it an opportunity to invest in a child's life.Each day with foster kids is an opportunity to live out the gospel by loving them even when they don't deserve it and give them the gift of being in a safe, nurturing family.
Why are there so many special needs waiting children?
In many cultures mystic beliefs lead people to assume that a child born with a disability is possessed by an evil spirit or is the direct result of a curse . families believe they must dispose of the child to free themselves from the curse.
In other cases families knew they will not have the resources to take care of the child, especially in the case of a disability. the sad reality is that many parents believe the child their child will have a better life in an orphanage.
Parents who abandon their children are often unable to provide for basic physical needs and hope an orphanage could . but more than basic needs the child needs a family.
research shows that most often than not the neediest children are sick, disabled, traumatized, or older than 5. the children are susceptible to poverty, HIV/Aids, human trafficking, being stuck in an orphanage for their entire childhood and more.
God's heart for orphans
throughout the Old Testament "orphans" and "the fatherless" is mentioned 41 times.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (james 1:27)
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. (psalms:68:5)
To God taking care of orphans isn't just a "good idea" its critical. Why? because every man, woman, boy and girl- including orphaned and vulnerable children - have been created in the image of God and is precious to him.
What can church do?
Millions of children need christian families by encourage families to adopt in the U.S. or internationally the church would be bringing hope to orphans who might not have hope in there own country or in the foster care system.One way the church could encourage families to adopt is by sharing the story of a waiting child on the slides ,pamphlets before church or the church Facebook page .This will get the need of the child out to christian families in the church who might consider adopting the child.
One of the biggest reasons Christian families don't adopt in because of the huge burden of adoption costs. The church could offer a adoption grant to adopting families to help offset the cost.
Fundraiser and adoption events can help educate the community about the kids in our area who need to be adopted as well as raise funds for kids in need of surgeries in countries where they might not receive the proper medical care.
Prayer cards, the bible says "for where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20) God hears us when we pray in lifting up a child in prayer.
Foster care
The church could encourage families to foster care which would create christian foster homes for those hurting children in our community. The families not involved in foster care could support those in foster care by bringing a meal or encouraging them through other means. kids enter the foster care system often with only the clothe on their back Other families could bring in donations such as backpacks, books, and toys ect. to give to the kids who enter the foster care system so they have something to call their own and they know someone cares about them.
Not everyone's called to adopt but everyone is called to do something.