Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Waiting child Wednesday

Please click on their names to learn more about them

Emerson (2)
Meet adorable Emerson, couldn't you just imagine seeing this sweet face every morning?Little Emerson is three going on four in October so hopefully next year he will be able to celebrate his birthday in a family. I don't understand how he hasn't been scooped up yet as he is so young, maybe it's because he's waiting for you?There is a $47+ adoption grant available through Reece's Rainbow.

From Reece's Rainbow:
"Boy, born October 2011 PRC Progressive Muscular Dystrophy
Emerson is a shy, quiet, and lovely boy. Though he’s fairly introverted around strangers, once he’s in a familiar environment he’s quite lively! He loves playing with blocks, and even by himself he will be very quiet and focused when building with them! Emerson was initially diagnosed with liver dysfunction, but when it didn’t respond to treatment they tested for muscular dystrophy (elevated liver enzymes are often found in children with MD from the muscle breakdown as opposed to a liver dysfunction), and found he was positive. Currently they don’t see any symptoms of the muscular dystrophy- he can sit, crawl, and walk while holding onto something! Emerson also demonstrates good fine motor skills; he can scribble with a pen, pick up small objects with his thumb and forefinger, stack two blocks, and turn the pages of a book. When looking at books he loves to point out the pictures. He can feed himself finger foods, and cooperates when getting dressed. He understands simple instructions, like being told to pick up his toys, and can point out his eyes and nose when ask. Emerson is able to imitate simple words like “mom” and “dad.” This sweet boy is waiting for his family. Are you the ones he waits for?"

The video above is about a  girl with Muscular Dystrophy and what's it like.

The next child I want to share with you guys is Alexis he is in Arizona but can be adopted anywhere and his adoption would cost little to nothing.
Alexis - Male, age 10

Alexis is ten years old who sounds like a sweet boy who would be a blessing to any family. Alexis has a contagious laugh,loves to take pictures of himself doing silly faces, wonderful helper, and always willing to do stuff his foster parents ask. Alexis wants to be a dad and work in a hospital when he grows up, can you be the parents that help Alexis accomplish his dreams and help him be all he can be?You can learn more about adopting Alexis Here.

The next child I'm posting today is Javier he is in Kansas and can be adopted anywhere and his adoption would cost little to nothing.

Javier V 4_30_15

Javier has the most amazing smile don't you agree?

"Javier is a social young man who is a very quick learner. He loves to play with toys that talk, looking at picture books and signing about animals. Javier uses sign language to communicate with others. He knows about 40 words and is working on learning more. At, school his favorite thing to do is hang out with his teacher, staff and his classmates. Javier will need lots of supports in place in school and in the community. He will need a family that is willing to advocate for Javier and make sure that his special needs are being met. Javier would do best in a two parent home that will continue to teach him how to complete his daily self-care needs. His forever home will need to be very structured and provide Javier constant one-on-one contact.
Javier would do best in a 2-parent home where he is the youngest or only child. An ideal family would be one close to Kansas, so that there can be several visits for a successful transition."
You can view Javier’s profile on AdoptUSKids here.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

In loving memory of Vitaly

Yesterday we lost a little boy named Vitaly  He was one of the firsts listed on Reece's Rainbow, he was little then, he had potential, hope, and a shy smile.

But slowly other children were chosen and still he waited and waited. At the age of just 4 or 5 he was transferred to a mental institution. A few years later there was a update on Vitaly.

Vitaly was in urgent need, he was fading away and needed a family to save him ASAP. Sadly Vitaly passed away before a family could be found.Vitaly will not have a funeral at the mental institution he was just another number and child to feed.

I would like to thank everyone who advocated for Vitaly to find a family and to those who donated to his adoption grant. He will be missed by us and to the caregivers who loved him. This is why we do what we do, because we know every life is precious and is worth it. Vitaly is now safe in the arms of Jesus healed and happy.In memory of Vitaly would you please consider donating to a child at risk or already transferred to a mental institution with Cerebral Palsy? I will list a few below just click on their names to learn more about them.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Some cuties waiting for a family who have autism

I had a friend with Autism when I went to a Christian school and she was the most talented artist I have ever met and I wish I had a picture of her art to prove it to you.She was a sweetheart, I cannot remember a time I ever heard a mean word out of her. She loved Jesus and had neat handwriting, she was a wonderful person to be around and I miss going to school ever day and seeing her happy. So every time I hear of a child with autism waiting for a family to adopt them it breaks my hear because I think of this wonderful girl I went to school with in a orphanage because of a label.Kids with autism are more than just their autism they loving, happy, giving, and talented. Yes, they have struggles but they need a family to love them beyond their struggles and help them become all they can be.All the children listed below have autism and are waiting for a family to adopt them you can learn more about them by clicking on their names. If you cannot adopt them please consider donating to their adoption grant, sharing, or praying.


Lizzi Belle (1)



June 2007


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Some cuties waiting with $0 in their adoption grant

Please click on their names to learn more about them
Meet Greyson his picture for Reece's Rainbow is from when he is younger and I found this updated picture through a advocacy page on Facebook. Greyson is a heart stealer for sure, he is adorable.Greyson has zero dollars in his adoption grant through Reece's Rainbow and I would to see it grow.

From his Reece's Rainbow account:"Boy, born May 2012 PRC Post-op meningocele, both legs paralyzed, post-op hydrocephalus
Greyson is such a cute boy! He loves playing with other children, laughs when he is teased and babbles all day long! He is an energetic and active child and really likes being outside with his friends. Greyson has paralysis in both legs, post-operative meningocele, and post-operative hydrocephalus. Don’t you just want to hug him?! Please help us find Greyson’s forever family soon before his file is returned!"

From advocacy site:"Meet sweet little Greyson! He was born 5/2012 and is diagnosed with Hydrocephalus, Meningocele, and Paralysis. This is what is written about him: "Greyson is such a cute boy! He loves playing with other children, laughs when he is teased and babbles all day long! He is an energetic and active child and really likes being outside with his friends. Greyson has paralysis in both legs, post-operative meningocele, and post-operative hydrocephalus."

40929144507 Jeremy
I wish there was more known about sweet Jeremy it would sure help him get a family. Jeremy needs a mommy and daddy to take him out of that crib and give him a long and happy life.Jeremy is only 3 years old, great age to find a family and get the medical and therapies he needs.

From his Reece's Rainbow page:"Boy, born 2012 Microcephaly, spastic tetraparesis"

41128155614 Donny
Meet cute and little Donny. I'm glad Donny is outside and has glasses to help with his vision it shows his orphanage cares, though a orphanage can never replace a family. Donny is 6 years old and ready to be adopted.

From his Reece's Rainbow page:"Boy, born 2009 Pervasive developmental disorders, Hypertrophy of adenoids, Cardiomyopathy, unspecified, Complicated cataract, Myopia
He has little sight, but he is a very friendly and happy boy!"

There isn't much known about little Kaden but he sure looks handsome. Kaden needs a family to make him smile and teach him all about the world. Kaden is only 4 years old, mommy and daddy please see him today.

From his Reece's Rainbow account:"Boy, born 2011
congenital heart defect, pulmonary artery stenosis, hydronephrosis of 4 stage to the right and of 1-2 stage to the left; secondary pyelonephritis"

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of july

Happy 4th of July to everyone.I would like to say thank you to our veterans and our soldiers without you guys we won't have freedom.I hope everyone has a good day and may God bless you.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Down Syndrome cuties 3-5 years old available for adoption- Moses, Erika, and Olivier

Please click on their names to learn more about them
Moses Collage
Moses is a handsome fellow don't you agree?Moses is a very active guy who can clap his hands, sit alone, walk independently for a few steps, (update is old) and will clap his lips together to get people's attention. Moses sounds like a happy little boy who would do great in any family. Moses has a small adoption grant of only $23, can we get this up ever penny helps.

From his Reece's Rainbow account:"Boy, born May 2012 PRC Down syndrome, Congenital heart defect
2.5 year old musical Moses is waiting for a family. He is diagnosed as having 1. Post-op Congenital Heart Disease- VSD, PFO, mild tricuspid regurgitation, PH; 2. Down Syndrome. From his August 2014 file: Moses can now sit alone, walk independently for a few steps, and can clap his hands. He is active and he sometimes will make sounds by clapping his mouth to draw people’s attention. He likes to sit in his walker and to walk by holding onto the chair. He is afraid of plush toys and dolls. He does not like deep colored things and he will not touch them. He does not like to eat chocolate cake, but he does like chewy snacks like crackers and he also likes to eat apples. Moses likes to ride the rocking horse the best. When he is tired of rocking, he will look at you and if you rock the horse for him, he will laugh happily. He has a strong imitating ability. All he needs now is for his family to see him and bring him home!
*** Additional $7,500 grant available from the agency. ******VIDEO: Password: Adoptmaa***"

Erika needs a family to give her a reason to smile. Erika sounds like she would make an awesome daughter for any lucky family she sounds very independent  and smart. This sweetie has waited a very long time for a family to scoup her up. She has a large grant grant of $10,000+ through Reece's Rainbow.

From her Reece's Rainbow account:"Girl, born October 2009 PRC Down syndrome, heart murmur
We are so excited to be able to advocate for Erika once again!  Her file was previously pulled, but she *IS* currently available for adoption — Let’s not keep her waiting any longer — she needs a family!
Erika is a polite girl who listens to her foster parents and respects them very much. Each time after her foster mother cooks a meal, she will put her palms together devoutly and says “thank you” to her. When guests come, she will greet them politely under the guidance of her parents. Erika has mastered the basic living skills. She can use the toilet by herself, and she can wear shoes, socks and clothes by herself.
 She also can eat meals with spoon. Erika has also learned to ride a children’s swing bike. Erika can understand instructions in daily life and can react properly. For example, when foster mother says “Hug” to her every time, she will run towards her mother happily and fall into her embrace. When she finds there are rubbishes on the ground, she will pick them up and put them into the dustbin on her own. After taking off dirty clothes, she will put them into washtub in time. Erika has a quiet character, enjoying listening to slow songs. She likes staying alone, but she is easy to get along with. She never scrambles for foods or toys with other brothers or sisters. She is always modest and full of self-sacrifice spirit. What Erika likes most is a cloth doll. Her foster parents have already started early education for her, in order to improve her cognitive ability."
Olivier (2)

I absolutely love Olivier he is such a cutie and I'm jealous of the family that's going to adopt him because this boy is going places. Olivier loves to play with blocks, balls, and riding a bike.There is a adoption grant of $2,800+  Through Reece's Rainbow.
From His Reece's Rainbow Account:"Boy, born March 2011 PRC Down syndrome and missing fingers on left hand
Olivier is diagnosed with down syndrome and a partial left hand. He lives in a foster family on the grounds of the orphanage and participates in the Infant and Parenting program. His report describes him as extroverted, active, and energetic. He likes to communicate and play games with children. Olivier’s favorite activities are playing with blocks, balls and riding bike. He can walk, can transfer positions when squatting, he can kick the football, go upstairs and downstairs with hands held. He can build a tower of 4 blocks, can dismantle the toy and assemble it again. He is very clever and can express his needs. An orphanage project team visited with Olivier last summer."

Friday, June 26, 2015

Some Down Syndrome cuties 0-2 years old available for adoption

Please click on the names of the children to learn more about them

Lucian (2)
Ohh come on how can you not fall in love with little Lucian? I just love his chubby little face and my do you see his little feet peaking out from behind the toy, so cute. Lucian had a heart condition but it has healed on his own, which is awesome.Could you be the lucky family that scoops up this cutie? He currently has a small grant of $54 through Reece's Rainbow.

From his Reece's Rainbow account:"Boy, born July 2013 PRC Down syndrome
Lucian is a cute baby boy with Down Syndrome. He had a heart condition when staff visited the orphanage in February, but it has since closed on its own. An active little boy, he has good head control, though he’s not quite stable sitting on his own. Lucian loves playing with blocks and rattles, and smiles when caregivers tease him. Currently he babbles, and can express whether he is happy or unhappy with noises."

Madison 2
Ohhh so little and adorable Madison is still waiting for a family to adopt her. She is healthy besides her Down Syndrome and has a big grant of $1,445.50 to help her lucky family adopt her. Sadly there is no other info about her at this time.

From her Reece's Rainbow account:"Girl, born August 2013 K-H Down syndrome
Sweet beauty! She has down syndrome, but otherwise is clinically healthy."

Jackey seems to be asking if you will come and pick him up. Handsome little guy is still waiting and has recently had his picture updated. I love his haircut. He is described as outgoing ,active,loves snuggling and attention. He sounds like a sweetheart, could he be waiting for you? There is currently a smallish adoption grant of $477 for this handsome fellow.

From his Reece's Rainbow adoption account:"Boy, born Oct 2012 PCR Down Syndrome

Meet Jackey! This handsome little guy will turn 2 in October. He is described as outgoing and active. Jackey loves snuggling and attention, both of which he welcomes with a smile. According to his caregivers, because he is often smiling, he is lovely and adored It doesn’t get much sweeter than that!"

Floramarie (2)
Floramaria looks very pretty in this picture, don't you agree? This sweetie has been listed a while and I'm surprised about that. She is know to be quiet, loves to be held, and her nannies say she is a average eater. Floramaria has small grant of $490.50 and has a agency grant of $4,000 too.

From Her Reece's Rainbow account:
"Girl, born Feb 2013 PRC Down syndrome, post-op congenital heart defect
Floramaria is a delicate little girl, in need of a family’s care! She was born with Down syndrome and a heart condition, for which she has had one surgery. Described as a quiet, adorable baby with a ready smile, Floramaria loves to be held. Her motor skills are delayed; she can roll over but not yet sit up. She can babble and imitate words. This tiny girl is still bottle fed, and nannies report she is an average eater."

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

meet some girls- Ellen,Caroline, and Maia

Please click on these precious girls name to learn more about them
Until today I had never seen Ellen's picture before and might I say she is pretty.I love how the orphanage has given her hair clips though I don't like the hair cut I wish she had a family who would let her grow it out.I wish Reece's Rainbow could get more info on her it would sure help to grow her adoption grant which is currently at $0, could you please help change that?

From her Reece's Rainbow page:"Girl, born 2010 Microcephaly, Cerebral Palsy"


Look at this happy girl I'm surprised she has waited this long with a smile like that. Caroline has post-op cerebral palsy affecting her lower legs and is otherwise healthy.She had a surgrey in 2013 and now just walks with a slight limp.Caroline only has $1.80 in her adoption grant and I would love to see that grow.

From her Reece's Rainbow account:"Girl, born May 2003 PRC Post-op Cerebral Palsy
Caroline is a beautiful, and very sweet girl who is 12 years old. She came into care when she was 4 or 5 years old, and was diagnosed with CP affecting her lower legs. Caroline was in otherwise very good health. She had surgery in 2013, and is able to walk with only a slight limp. Since Caroline had not received any early education before she came to the orphanage, she was a bit behind her peers in school. Caroline is very easy going, and has a positive attitude about all she does! She is is a wonderful care facility, and has agreed to be adopted. Caroline is so ready to be someone’s daughter!"

Maia update

Maia is a very cute girl who looks like she likes to play with dolls in this picture :). She is know to be a sweet girl who was able to follow what her teacher asks. She needs a family who is ready to play as she is lively and active. Maia has a good grant of $265.62 but I would love to see that grow.

From her Reece's Rainbow account:"Girl, born May 2008 congential defects of development
From a family who met her in January 2014: Maia is a sweet little girl.  She was able to follow orders and do everything that her teacher asked her to do.  She doesn’t speak but giggled a lot and made some noises.  Her doctor said that while she was unsure if Maia would speak, she felt the prognosis was good.  Her eyes are crossed. Vision and hearing are otherwise fine.  Maia has mental delays and would benefit from focused attention and education.  Maia is lively and active and ready for a family who is ready to play!"

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Meet some boys- nathan,Linus,and ,David

Please click on the child's name to learn more about them


Meet Nathan he is two years old that has cerebral palsy and has the most amazing curls, don't you agree?Right now would be a great time for a family to commit to adopting him so he can get get the medical attention and therapies he needs at a young age. There is no donation button for this child as they only have his file for a while.

From his Reece's Rainbow account:"Boy, age: 2 Cerebral Palsy
He reaches out, picks up and holds toys, transfers them from one hand to another and knocks two blocks one against the other. His attention is stable if he is interested in something. When someone reaches out to him, he changes his body posture in order to be picked up. He differentiates between familiar persons and strangers and when contacted reacts with a smile. He demonstrates preference to some of them. He is calm among his peers in the room and follows them with a look when they move or produce sounds. He manipulates with and explores objects independently. He likes to look at books with pictures. Photos and videos from June 2015 are available through the agency."

Linus collage

I cannot believe this boy is still waiting and I  feel sad for him and what he has gone through he needs a family. Linus was abandoned when he was 7 years old by his birth parents with a deformity of a finger.There is only$9 in his adoption grant and I would love to see it grow and of course for him to show up on my family found me page.

From his Reece's Rainbow page:"Boy, born November 2007 PRC deformity of finger; older child abandonment
Seven year old Linus is such a cute little guy! Besides a deformed middle finger on his left hand, Linus is a healthy little boy! From agency staff met Linus on March 25, 2015: Linus is a VERY SWEET, kind, calm, and easy-going boy. He has good friends and the orphanage staff love him. He hangs out in their office with them often after school. He has a deformed middle finger on his left hand which doesn’t appear to hinder him in daily living skills. However, he does not like school mainly because he says he is bullied at school for being an orphan.
He was brought into the orphanage in May 2014. He was very sad at first, but they say he is ok now. He has never talked about his abandonment or birth family. He was never educated prior to coming into the orphanage. the agency feels that Linus will need a very patient family who home schools so he can catch up, or a family who lives near a school district with a lot of educational supports. This child is so incredibly sweet and the staff thinks he will do really well in a family!"

David smiling

Meet smiling David this sweet boy and polite boy is eleven years old and waiting for his chance to be adopted.I think David would do amazing with the medical care and therapies he needs and would just blossom in a family.There is a $235 adoption grant for him through Reece's Rainbow.

From his Reece's Rainbow account:"Boy, born March 2004
David has cerebral palsy and his eyes cross.  He would do so well in a loving family!
Update March 2014:This kid is AWESOME!!!! He seriously has no business in a level III/IV institution. His CP is so mild- he walked around, did all kinds of stuff. He’s smart and funny, he and my translator talked for about 15 minutes and she said he is a “very normal child and good at conversation.” He was very “appropriate”- I don’t know another way to say it- he was quiet and looked at us like “who are these strangers?” and looked to the nannies for approval, and only then spoke to us. My English (and butchered attempts at Russian) made him start to grin but he quickly got it under control and didn’t outright laugh at me (which makes him more polite than the majority of folks lol!) and he was very respectful.
I LOVE this kid- he needs a family immediately- someone to get him in school and get some botox in that left leg and get those legs stretched so he can walk easier. He would be an awesome addition to a family!"

Friday, June 19, 2015

Emergency: aging out kids!!!

Please click on the names to learn more about the child.
Zeb close up
Zeb only has until July 8th! He is HIV+ (a very manageable special need). This child's only hope is a family approved for two, approved for up to 14, and in the I-800 to TA wait stages. No orphanage donation. He needs a true miracle!
Meet Anna/Anna Michelle  from her Reece's Rainbow page: " Anna Michelle ages out at the beginning of August! Her file is outdated (2009) From her file at the age of 7: Although Anna Michelle can’t see the world she is intelligent and never cries, always waits until the aunts finish work and then play games with her. She can master quickly all the knowledge she has learned. She likes singing and can sing well. Due to the problems of her eyes, it influences her living to some extent, but she can take care of herself, eat alone, put on and off clothes, wash and clean bedclothes. The aunts always praise Anna Michelle is an
From one of her classmates (and his family) who is now home in the US:
Anna Michelle attends a prestigious School For the Blind where she is an excellent student in grade 5 and earns high grades She is skilled in her native Braille language. She can speak some English and braille English as well (literary uncontracted braille). She enjoys reading and History is her favorite subject. She also plays the Liu Qin which is a 4 string Mandolin. Anna Michelle is in chorus and still LOVES to sing- with the voice of an angel! She loves to play with the other kids on the playground and is independent in regards to self care for hygiene, meals, dressing, etc. Anna Michelle also has excellent O&M skills and uses a white cane to get around independently. She is kind and thinks of her friends, remembering birthdays and doing sweet things for them". There is a $5,000+ grant available for her adoption through Reece's Rainbow.
From another advocate:"Several families who adopted older kids who are blind or visually impaired can share how independent these kids are already and how well they can do in the US. There are many more negative perceptions about the abilities of blind people in China that will lock her out of so many opportunities up to and possibly including being told she is incapable of caring for her own children as a blind mother. Blind adults in America can be neuro-scientists, mechanical engineers, NASA scientists, lawyers, the list goes on and on."

Meet Ezra he ages out in august also and has a $2,000+ adoption grant through Reece's Rainbow.

From his Reece's Rainbow page:
"Ezra is a handsome 13 (almost 14) year old boy who has been diagnosed with mental retardation.He was found and brought to the institute when he was 8 years old. Upon admission, he was found to have normal body development. He is able to help the caretaker with basic chores and he can do simple self-management. Despite his condition, Ezra is improving in his language, personality, and emotional development. At age 11, he could have simple dialogues with people, and at age 12, he could get along well with his peers. Ezra is an active boy that loves to play sports with his classmates."