Saturday, November 30, 2013

children's who's file will soon dissapper

children in one part of Europe will only be available for a short time in which they must find a family, here are a few children who's time is running out. Please click on their names to learn more.


DOB: 2006
Diagnosis: Cerebral Palsy
Rebekah was born premature at 27 weeks and has quadriplegic CP. She is delayed in all aspects of her development. Additional information about her abilities and development are coming soon.

Is'nt she cute? It sounds to be like she will need to have therapy when she gets home, will you be that family?


Age: 8
 Diagnosis: developmental delays
Mona is physically healthy. She has delays in her development. At the time of her last report, she was talking, walking, feeding herself and had recently started attending school. She has been assigned a 1:1 caregiver to work with her several days a week and she has been demonstrating continuous progress since that began. Additional photos and videos are available.

Mona sounds like she would be a great daughter, could she be yours?


Boy, 10 years old
moderate mental delay
Good physical development. He is sociable and tries taking part in dialogues with short, simple sentences, accompanied by gestures. He is curious and eager to learn. He is not aggressive to his peers. He eagerly participates in different games. The child seeks contact with adults. He has normal physical development for his age. He actively participates in different games.
He is a very lively, energetic, radiant and friendly boy who wins you over the moment you meet him. The child is well built and is always eager to learn new things. He is not shy, initiates contact easily and openly demonstrates his great desire to have his own mommy and daddy

He is so cute, he is known to be lively, energetic, radiant and friendly he sounds like he would  a great son, could he be yours?


These four are going to be sisters!!!!!   will you help me support the family  by helping them cover the HUGE  cost of redeeming these girls?
Delta-002Soleil June 2013Brandi 2013                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Anastasia June 2013 (1)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


This year I am trying to fund raise $1,000 for GretaGreta is a orphan born November of 1998 with down syndrome living in Europe her profile on Reece's Rainbow ( says this,

Mama, are you out there?  Please come get me!  We are so happy for the chance to help sweet Greta find her family.

Greta is very petite; more the size of a 5 year old than the 13 year old she actually is.  Developmentally, she is quite delayed, probably closer to a 3-4 year old.  In many ways, she is toddler like. Greta is missing out on the essential things in life- a mama and daddy to teach her the things she needs to know, school lessons to maximize her potential for learning, and hope for a future.
From a family who visited with her in September 2012:  “Greta desperately desires to be loved and shown affection. It broke our hearts to see how desperate she was for attention. She would climb up us before we even knew what was happening and was clinging to us. She probably needs to go to a family that can devote a lot of one on one attention to her, and that she be the youngest child, because she can get aggressive when she is jealous for attention. I hope this helps her find a family.”

From a family who visited with her in August 2012:  “Love Greta!  She climbed over the playpen wall to hug on me.   She’s walking now, thanks to a team of foreign therapists who worked in that group.  She has so much potential- but needs a lot of love and a family!  I just know there has to be a family out there for this thin, wiry little girl, a family who likes to play and be energetic :) ”

Greta currently has $40.95\$1,000  fund raised right now which puts her adoption grant at $18,545.35 out of the $25,ooo needed to cover EVERYTHING EVEN  TRAVEL ,won't that be a blessing for her future family? Greta will age out in November of 2014 and be moved to a adult mental institution if she has not been already. Will you help me fund raise for her adoption? will you pray for Greta's health, for a family to step up, for the orphanage workers to come to know Christ. will you please share this on your Facebook in hopes of her family finding her? or will you do nothing?

I will share a video of Greta when $100 is fund raised!!!!