This little girl just stole my heart. Her name is Elliette and is twelve years old. She has mild Cerebral Palsy, but is very active. She will willingly say hello to familiar people and loves to draw and read. Elliette is happy with her large family, but she wants a mommy and daddy of her own. When one of the other childeren is adopted, especially by a foreign family, she will say to her caretakers with tears in her eyes, "I also want a father and mother." As of February 2012, she can walk on her own with a limp and can climb stairs holding on to the handrail.
As you can see, she desperately wants a family of her own. Right now, she has $267.00 in her adoption account. If you can, I beg you to help her. She won't age out of the adoption system until she is sixteen, but it would take roughly $30,000 to adopt her. If you can't help financially, you can pray for her. Sometimes that is the best thing you can do. ~Sarah
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..." James 1:27a NIV